This idyllic Beach House enjoys Caribbean sunrises
& Maya Mountain sunsets, on 186 magnificent acres.
It commands 476 ft. Caribbean beach frontage
and 660 ft. frontage on the safe-harbor, seaside lagoon.

With no neighbors for several miles to the south you will have free range on miles of pristine Caribbean beach. The neighbor to the north is a small Caribbean Beach Resort & Brew Pub in the midst of development. The resort is already leasing this Beach House, so this is an Income-Producing Property.
This is prime location, due to the current project of paving Belize’s Coastal Highway. When paving and realignment are complete in 2023, this newly-paved Coastal Highway will be a major shortcut to Southern Belize. Most traffic from Belize’s international airport, Belize City, and Northern Belize will follow this spectacular route south.
This epic beach house is now being renovated, with more veranda, more electricity, more bathrooms, etc. Check back for interior photos!
This property totals 186.5 acres, stretching across this beautiful isthmus from the Caribbean shore to the shore of the Southern Lagoon. As shown outlined in red above, adjacent behind this 7.7-acre beach lot are adjoining 178.8 acres of beautiful coastal savanna, extending west from the beach lot for 1 mile, to the shore of the exotic, 9,000-acre marine wildlife sanctuary. The property is 1-1/2 miles wide, with a Caribbean Beach of 476 ft, and a lagoon beach of 660 ft.
There is a large, freshwater lake on the property, and a “beach road” running through the property, south to north.
This western shore is an excellent place for safe-harbor docks or a protected ocean-access marina.
With the high price of prime beachfront land in Belize, this property (totaling about 186 acres) is an excellent value. This is because only a small percentage of this property is classified as “ocean beachfront”, while the balance of the property benefits from close proximity to ocean and lagoon beaches – without the high ‘beach’ price.
In the popular beach towns of Placencia and Hopkins, an acre of prime beach will cost $500,000 and upwards. Here you can purchase 186 acres in an area slated for prime beach development in the coming 5 years, for much less than you would spend for 3 acres in the crowded tourist towns farther south. This Manatee / Southern Lagoon region will soon be a little more than an hour’s drive from the BZE airport. It is now Belize’s closest resort-destination location to the international airport.
Can you imagine the resale value of this property in six or seven years? What does your ten-year plan look like?

This is a spectacular area. Here Belize’s Maya Mountains (directly west) come closest to the sea. This beach, right here, is an important nesting ground for the rare and endangered Hawksbill Turtle. It is within the Gales Point Wildlife Sanctuary, and IUCN Category IV Wildlife Sanctuary. In the nearby rainforests is abundance of primordial flora and fauna. Just a few miles offshore begins the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, the world’s second-largest barrier reef. This reef system is also arguably one of the world’s healthiest and most verdant coral reef systems. This beach house is actually closer by boat to Lighthouse Reef, and to Turneffe Atoll, than is Belize City.

We live in and specialize in this Central Belize coastal area, along the Coastal Highway and near Gales Point. We know it well. Ask us about the area, the neighbors, the clear jungle rivers, the caves, sustainable farming, the five big cat species who live in the forests, and the incredible tarpon and sport fishing that we enjoy ~ right here.

CONTACT US for pricing; financing; photos; building costs; off-grid development ideas ~ and the latest progress report of the Coastal Highway’s paving project.