Here are a few current, clear title, “Ag” offerings:• 434 ac Los Tambos Farm: Gently rolling pasture & well-drained crop-land, with a 25-ac forested hill, a creek, and freshwater spring with pond. This farm has spectacular views of the Yalbac hills to the north. Currently about 100 acres is growing corn, with about 300+ acres in pasture. The pasture land i9s very fertile, and well suited for row crops or fruit orchards. This is close to Spanish Lookout, an important Belizean farm center. Asking price: $2250 per acre, will subdivide. • 109 ac Citrus Farm just off Belize’s Coastal Road: Overlooking the Caribbean Sea, this farm is private and has no close neighbors. It has 57 acres of citrus, 14 acres of mature grapefruit, also mango, avocado, papaya, and coconut, plus 38 acres of high-canopy jungle. Very close to the power grid, with cellphone coverage and creek-water access. The orchards are overgrown but can be rehabilitated. Its hilltop house is a tear-down, but it can be easily replaced with a nice ocean-view home for around $110 per square foot. Asking price: $292k obo• 60+ ac Citrus Farm near Mullins River: This fertile, producing farm is part of a larger citrus operation also being sold in sections. It yields 2 harvests per year of Valencia oranges. It is only 17 miles from Belize’s citrus processing plant. It is in a very picturesque location with hills and creeks, and has several excellent building sites with great mountain views. Power lines cross its Coastal Road frontage. Call or email us for pricing.• 49 ac Farm Site on Coastal Road near Mullins River Village: This land is very fertile and well-drained, with several freshwater creeks. It is gently rising from the Coastal Road top into the Maya Mountain foothills. It has a natural clearing perfect for farm and residential structures near the road. Characterized by low 2nd-growth timber and pine ridge, rising into hardwood forest. Our Ag tests show it has very fertile soil with much organic compound matter It has the correct pH for vegetables, fruits, and cacao trees. It is surrounded by natural forest land and hi-production citrus farms. It has grid power at site entrance. Must sell due to health crisis, asking $95,750• 5,200 ac Lease-Income-Producing Farm with 5 miles of River Frontage on Spanish Creek: only 20 miles west of int’l airport, subdivided into 96 well-planned & surveyed 50-acre sections, with good infrastructure, pasture, jungle, coconut trees, roads, wells, irrigation, barn, residence, etc. It is now a cattle -finishing operation, which brings in regular lease payments from part of its acreage. Will sell all, or in 50-acre sections. Contact us for photos and location. $1500 to $3000 per acre.• 50 ac Fine Organic Cacao Farm, with processing plant and export business. This is a turnkey business, producing and processing some of the finest organic cacao in the world. It is centered here in southern Belize. They source additional organic beans from other nearby farmers, some whose families have been propagating fine cacao for centuries. Their own 50 acres has young trees, properly shaded and hand-maintained. Contact us for price.• 110 ac Overgrown Citrus Land on the Mullins River: This land was a citrus farm 20 years ago but is now completely overgrown by hardwood and high bush jungle. This is the perfect location for a very private riverside retreat and farm. The soil is very fertile with much organic nutrients. It has frontage on the Mullins River, and has several seasonal creeks. With the power grid nearby, this property is about 2-miles from the Caribbean Sea, 6 miles from Gales Point Village, and 14 miles from Dangriga, the Stann Creek District capital. Asking price $1400/ac• 334 and 500 acres of cleared pastureland, fenced, with creeks, springs & a barn, Valley of Peace area: $950/acre• 350 acres of rolling pasture & row crop land, fantastic views, with creek & some forest, in Cayo District, northeast of Spanish Lookout, in the Los Tambos area: $1550/acre• 6,000 acre Citrus & Row Crop Farm along the Sibun River & Western Highway, with 400+ acres of hi-production citrus, 2,000+ acres row crops, 2,500 acres of uncleared prime citrus land, a commercial stone quarry, all equipment: a profitable, turnkey operation: $1250/acre• 11.46 acre Horse Farm in Cayo District; fenced, and gated, with irrigation, a corral, a BBQ, residence, and large barn. It has elevated riverfront on the beautiful Belize River, many fruit trees; close to markets and shopping: $175,000Off-grid farm along Soldier Creek, just off Belize’s spectacular Coastal Road.Things change quickly & often ~ so let us know your needs!
Click on the “Real Estate Listings” in the top banner to view our current offerings. Then you can narrow your search by clicking the smaller heading, “Agricultural land”. Call us about our private “pocket listings”.
Fine organic cacao, ready for export.Young cacao trees already fruiting.
Raw cacao beans being weighed.
Where else but in tropical Belize can one operate a profitable, productive agricultural operation adjacent to resort-quality Caribbean beaches?
The Value of Belize’s Farmland to the World’s Economy
Seven billion people now populate our planet. Wise investors have been buying farmland worldwide, betting on the increasing price of food, while hedging against breakdowns in worldwide trade. Governments and private investors alike are purchasing significant amounts of land in remote areas of the globe.
Profitable citrus & fruit groves.
Well-known investor George Soros recently raised $350 million for the purchase of Asian, Central Asian, and Eastern European farmland. The World Bank’s agricultural experts point to reports that indicate large investors and foreign countries have recently purchased over 125 million acres of farmland worldwide, amounting to land area one-third larger than the entire country of Germany. We are now hosting similar investors from around the world, especially since the U.K. and Caribbean Investment Bank financed paving the Coastal Road ~ a picturesque strategic shortcut to Southern Belize.
With long-term droughts in western Central America, some of our farms have direct sales to trucks arriving from Guatemala & Nicaragua ~ loading up with corn and other row-crops ~ right at their farm. Belize has recently doubled its corn and grain processing capacity with new, state-of-technology processing facilities located on a major highway.
Imagine living and farming here, just off Belize’s beautiful Hummingbird Highway! Home building prices are around $110/sq ft !Small, Self-Sufficient Organic ~ to Large, High-Volume Operations
In Belize, there is an abundance of very fertile and accessible farmland. Belize citrus is the sweetest in the world, regularly demanding the highest per-box pricing. Here it is possible to yield at least 2 harvests per year. Being on the Caribbean coast, with an ideal subtropical growing climate, ample rainfall, a stable government, reliable shipping infrastructure and paved highways, Belize offers excellent agricultural opportunities. InTheTropics is listing thousands of hectares of vital farmland – ranging from small, remote, self-sufficient farms utilizing ancient Mayan crops & organic farming techniques; to large, profitable farming operations in the mountain highlands; working citrus & fruit plantation; thousands of acres of productive corn, beans, peas and row crops; vast tree farms, and acres of rice production land – including laser-leveled berms, dams, dikes and freshwater creeks for irrigation, some with shrimp farms on site.
Teak, mahogany, and hardwoods are valuable crops.Where else can you find productive farmland adjacent to the most beautiful, high-sand, Caribbean beaches imaginable?Picked in the morning, packed on out-bound ships by evening
Noted for the sweet grapefruit that Europeans prefer, high-grade cacao, bananas, sugar cane, ‘Caribbean Gold’ mangos, and numerous vegetables & fruits, Belize has sophisticated farming, packaging & shipping operations, permitting crops to be picked in the morning, then inspected, packed, cartoned and loaded onto ships bound for Europe, America and CARICOM markets by evening. Skilled and efficient agricultural management companies have been helping our clients profit yearly, with minimal effort on our clients’ parts. Farming and food production has long been Belize’s main profit areas. In fact, agricultural has recently topped tourism as this British Commonwealth country’s largest money-making industry.
An urgent issue – and opportunity
Experts worldwide – from the World Bank to Purdue University; the WorldWatch Institute to the UN’s Food & Agricultural Association (UN-FAO) – are telling us now about the current need and coming demand for crops. “An extra billion tonnes of cereals are needed”, says the UN-FAO.” “Increases in food production, per hectare of land, have not kept pace with increases in population, and the planet has virtually no more arable land or fresh water to spare. As a result, per-capita cropland has fallen by more than half since 1960, and per-capita production of grains, the basic food, has been falling worldwide for 20 years,” says WorldWatch Institute. . . Well, Belize does have plenty of arable farmland, as well as plenty of ground water and ample yearly rainfall.
Farmland outperforms traditional investments
Farmland is “as good as gold”. Better, in fact. Prices for farmland in the US and Canada are increasing dramatically. Just in the past 12 months, crop land prices in Brazil have soared 18%. Agricultural investment has outperformed traditional asset classes such as stocks, bonds and cash for some time, a fact assured by the sound fundamentals backing agricultural investments. Investing in agricultural land is proving a valuable defense strategy for many looking to protect their assets. Economists at the University of Saskatchewan state, “investors in the medium-risk category could have improved the financial performance of their portfolios by including an F-REIT investment rather than gold. The financial gains from F-REIT result from a level of risk that is lower than gold, REITs, and stocks, an expected yield that is greater than for bonds, and a low correlation with other financial asset returns.”Row crops with two harvests per year.The time is now.
The past several years has been very good for agriculture in Belize. Our exports are strong. The western half of Mexico & Central America have the same serious drought that effects the western USA, while weather patterns here in Belize are slightly wetter throughout the year. This yields at least two strong growing/ harvest seasons. Commodities buyers from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, & Nicaragua come here with trucks and buy corn/ beans/ peas/ citrus right from the farmers’ gates. The processing plants are doing well also. Some “Florida” orange juice comes from Belize. . . Cacao, citrus, fruit, vegetables, rice, corn, beans, coconut, bananas, flowers, hardwood, aquaculture, and all varieties of tropical produce. We will be pleased to show you numerous possibilities. Let us know your travel plans.
Organic farmingDid I mention cacao?
Belize cacao is the finest cacao in the world, from Mayan strains started a thousand years ago. While much is grown in the southern mountains and harvested by independent campesinos, more and more smaller cacao farms are being established all over Belize. Belize’s “fair trade” efforts have done well by these small-scale pickers, and they now have a regular market and consistent pricing, with market conditions benefiting all cacao growers. Some large English chocolate companies buy cacao here for export, while the best is brewed right here, in Punta Gorda, Belize. You should come and visit this chocolate “factory” with me one day soon. (it is not much bigger than a 3-car garage).
With cash crops from avocado to soursop to jatropa.